Monday, August 16, 2010

What is craft?

... It's a passion.

A craft is a skill, especially involving practical arts. It may refer to a trade or particular art.

Craft can be a confusing word. When you use it there is a strong possibility that the other person is thinking about something quite different to you. One person imagines handmade one-off pieces while another thinks of stencilled furniture and stamps. And it doesn’t get any easier when you get beyond the word craft to a specific discipline such as glass or textiles, as again everyone will imagine something different.

Craft is what happens when a person with imagination and skill has the opportunity to be creative.

1. Ceramics
2. Furniture and wood
3. Glass
4. Jewellery & Metalwork
5. Lettering
6. Musical instruments
7. Paper
8. Textiles
9. Basketmaking

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